Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

It doesn’t matter if you were black or white
You will be in our hearts as it has always been.
I hope you have found the peace that you were looking for
Leaving behind the craziness of the world.

I bow my head to you in sadness
I cry the lost of you in a state of mournfulness
Drops of tears are falling from the sky
The world stands in commotion and cry
We will miss you so.

You were special all the way
On your craziness and kindness
Everything has its own purpose to be so
Pointless is to point fingers
When we all have our own sins.

It doesn’t matter if you were black or white
Like tattooed or pierced people,
Gays or lesbians
We are all made the same
With a heart and a soul to explore
And a body to adorn.

We love you Michael! I love you!
You Rock the World!
We will miss you so!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

President Obama's, Thank You Note

Finally, my scanner is working!!! I'm able to scan the thank you note from President Obama, to me. It was very kind of him. In January, I wrote a "poem letter" to the President. It was like a welcome poem; I have posted on January 1, 2009.
You can find it somewhere in my blog, on the January section. Although, the real letter was sightly different.
Click on the note to read it better.

Thanks, President Obama